5th CSDA International Conference on
Computational and Financial Econometrics (CFE'11)
17-19 December 2011, Senate House, University of London, UK

Abstract Submissions (one presentation per participant)

Start abstract Submission

Guidelines for submitting an abstract

  1. Please do not use any accents (no accents in names, affiliation, title and abstract).

  2. Please do not capitalized letters. Titles and names should be written with lower letters except from the first letter which should be in capitals. E.g. The estimation of GARCH models. John Smith.

  3. Type of presentation: Please chose Invited Talk if you have been invited by the session organizer to submit an abstract in a session. Contributed Talks are regular (non invited) talks.

  4. Chose one of the organized or general sessions when you submit your abstract.

  5. The abstract should be at most 200 words in a single paragraph. The title should be at most 15 words. Plain text should be used and without any accents. Simple Latex syntax can be used, e.g. $\hat{x}_i$, $\beta$, etc. The abstract should not list or contain any references (e.g. do not have statements like "... in John Smith (2009)").