ESI01: Robust methods Alfonso Gordaliza,
University of Valladolid, Spain. Marco Riani,
University of Parma, Italy. Stefan Van Aelst,
Ghent University, Belgium.
ESI02: Bayesian nonparamerics Igor Pruenster,
University of Torino, Italy. Maria De Iorio,
Imperial College, UK. Katja Ickstadt,
TU Dortmund, Germany
ESI03: Advances in multivariate analysis Patrick Groenen,
Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands. Hannu Oja,
University of Tampere, Finland. Juan Romo,
Carlos III University of Madrid, Spain.
ESI04: Space-time modelling in disease mapping Lola Ugarte,
Public University of Navarre, Spain. Andrew B. Lawson,
Medical University of South Carolina, USA. Annibale Biggeri,
University of Florence, Italy.
CFE11 Invited Sessions:
CSI01: Time series econometrics Esther Ruiz,
Universidad Carlos III, Spain D.Stephen G. Pollock,
University of Leicester, UK. Tommaso Proietti,
University of Rome 2, Italy
CSI02: Bayesian econometrics John Geweke ,
University of Technology Sydney, Australia Sylvia Fruehwirth-Schnatter,
Johannes Kepler University, Austria Mark Steel,
University of Warwick, UK
CSI03: Recent developments in econometrics Richard Baillie,
Michigan State University and Queen Mary, University of London, UK. Herman van Dijk,
Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands Massimo Guidolin,
The University of Manchester, UK
CSI04: Financial Time Series Modelling Feike Drost,
Tilburg university, The Netherlands Jean-Michel Zakoian,
University Lille 3, France Anders Rahbek,
University of Copenhagen, Denmark